
The Dangers of Transhumanism, the “World’s Most Dangerous Idea”

By Brian Clowes, PhD / December 21, 2023 /
genetic engineering editing dna

What Is Transhumanism? Mortality is the human condition. It is natural for humans to wish to delay or somehow escape death, or at least to forget or ignore their mortality. The ancient tales of the “fountain of youth” or other objects that promise eternal youth or immortality are well-remembered. In the modern day, an escape…

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The Bible and Homosexuality: Does God Hate Gay People?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / December 5, 2023 /
open german bible scriptures

The explicit root-and-branch rejection of morality by gays has been real, pervasive, and baleful in its effect on both the quality of life that we create for ourselves within the [gay] community, and our P.R. [public relations] with straights…. There’s a simpler, darker reason why many gays choose to live without morality: As ideologies go,…

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Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome

By William Lawyer / November 28, 2023 /
sad man

Of all the victims of abortion, it is perhaps the mother and father who are the most neglected of all. For pro-life advocates, the death of an innocent child tends to be the focus. For pro-choice advocates, acknowledging the parents as victims would weaken their own position. Nevertheless, the reality is that those who obtain…

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Can Abortion Make You Infertile?

By Emily Capps / November 24, 2023 /
woman holding a negative pregnancy test

In this article: Difficulties studying abortion and infertility Planned Parenthood on abortion and infertility Medical organizations on abortion and infertility Abortion complications that cause infertility Abortion and miscarriage Abortion alternatives Infertility treatments and support   Many wonder, “can abortion cause infertility?” The short answer is yes, it can. There are cases where women become infertile…

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Chances of Getting an STD with a Condom

By Jenna McGuire / November 14, 2023 /
unhappy couple

Introduction New contraceptive options were supposed to bring huge improvements to “reproductive health.” Their proponents looked forward to a day when STIs and accidental pregnancies were a thing of the past. It’s time to admit that hormonal birth control and condoms aren’t going to get us there. Despite decades of innovation and availability of the…

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Does God Forgive Abortion?

By Sofia Infante / November 10, 2023 /
silhouette of a woman praying to God

“The greater the sinner, the greater the right he has to My mercy.” Saint Faustina’s Diary Does God forgive abortion? Abortion is one of the foremost causes of suffering in the world, and one of the least acknowledged. The child in the womb suffers in silence, and the mother carries grief, shame, and guilt. A…

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Birth Control: Is the Pill an Abortifacient?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / October 24, 2023 /

What exactly is “abortifacient” birth control, and is “the Pill” an abortifacient? Contraceptives are methods of birth control that place a physical barrier between sperm and egg, such as condoms and diaphragms. By contrast, abortifacients are hormonal-based methods of birth control that often cause early abortions. In 2019, an estimated 27% of women were using…

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How Did Planned Parenthood vs. Casey Change Abortion in the US?

By Marisa Cantu / October 19, 2023 /

Planned Parenthood vs. Casey was a landmark case for abortion laws. It was decided in 1992, almost two decades after Roe vs. Wade. Roe was the infamous case of 1973 that legalized abortion in the United States and ruled that women have a “right” to abortion under a clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Casey gave…

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Why Is Premarital Sex a Sin?

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / September 28, 2023 /
sad woman sitting in her bedroom

We live in a hedonistic society. Hedonism is the idea that pleasure, and especially physical pleasure, is the primary goal of life, instead of love of God and love of neighbor. One of the most common ways in which pleasure is pursued is sexual pleasure. Having sex outside of marriage has become so common that…

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How Does Abortion Affect the United States?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / September 25, 2023 /

The first states legalized abortion in 1967. Since then, there have been about 63 million abortions performed in this country. One-sixth of our nation’s entire population has disappeared into the maws of the latter-day extermination camps that the corrupt media calls “reproductive care centers.” How does abortion affect society? We have killed a vast number…

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