Raising Children

Protecting Your Kids From Premarital Sex

By Susan Ciancio / June 19, 2019 /

Our world is saturated and infatuated with sex. We see scantily-clad women on billboards and on TV advertisements. We see ads on TV for birth control pills, for IUDs, and for the little blue pill for men. We hear about sex in song lyrics, in jokes on TV, and in the news. It’s no wonder…

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Parents and Medical Decisions: Fight the Revolution

By Dr. Joseph Meaney / July 19, 2018 /
rights of parents

Technical and scientific discoveries and innovations are happening at a tremendous rate. Social attitudes and morality have also undergone huge shifts in just the past two generations. Try this mental exercise. Imagine virtually any community in the 1950s and then fast-forward to the present. Almost nothing will have remained untouched. The geography and enduring elements…

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Birth Control for Teens Who Are “Doing It Anyway”?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / May 9, 2017 /
teen with birth control

If pressed, many “family planners” admit that in an ideal world, all young people would refrain from sexual activity before marriage and remain faithful to their spouses after.  Such a society would have no HIV-AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases, very little unwanted pregnancy (and few pregnancies among unmarried teens!), and most likely a very…

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