Trauma and Healing After Unwanted Abortion
When women experience negative emotional, psychological, or spiritual effects after abortion, they’re often told to “get over it.” After all, society says that abortion isn’t a big deal. It’s just a choice in the woman’s past.
However, this isn’t true at all. Abortion IS a big deal. It kills an innocent child. It’s understandable that women will experience a whole range of emotions, including grief, guilt, and self-loathing.
Theresa Bonopartis knows this well. She had an abortion as a young woman, when she felt like she didn’t have a choice. For years, she suffered from the trauma of her abortion. Finally, through the grace of God, she experienced forgiveness and healing.
Today, Theresa helps other post-abortive women experience this same healing. She founded Entering Canaan Ministry, which hosts retreats for people suffering after abortion.
On this episode, Theresa Bonopartis shares her story of abortion and God’s Mercy. There is always hope. God longs to forgive us. Listen now to hear her inspirational story of abortion, regret, and the power of God’s forgiveness.
Entering Canaan Ministry Website: Entering Canaan Ministry
Entering Canaan, the Painting: Entering Canaan: The Painting