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The Teaching of the Prophetic Encyclical Humanae Vitae (Part VIII)

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / August 18, 2021 /
statue of pope saint paul vi in the sanctuary of fatima

the Natural Law Exists and Binds All Human Beings Isn’t the Natural Law Just Another Invention of the Church? The natural law transcends the Catholic Church. The Church does not…

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Saint Joseph, Protector of the Family Against Satanic Attack

By Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro and Fr. Peter West / March 19, 2015 /

Church. The “domestic church” refers to the spiritual life of the Christian family who incorporates prayers, traditions, and religious instruction as the center of the Catholic hearth and home. The

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Vatican Conference Presents Disturbing Lineup of Speakers

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / May 3, 2021 /
silhouette crucifix outside

…no. 41 Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has repeatedly warned against the temptation to make the Church into just another non-profit organization. The Church, he said in 2013, “is not…

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Using the Theology of the Body To Teach Chastity to Young Adult Children

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / April 29, 2022 /
parent and young adult talking with coffee

…Which Church documents should we study to prepare for dialogue with our children about human sexuality? Below is a partial list of Church documents that discuss sexuality, marriage, and chastity:…

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Criminalizing the Christian View of Homosexuality

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / December 7, 2020 /

…form of dissent from their progressive sexual ideology. Often, these efforts take the form of so-called “hate crime” laws. Typically, these laws are framed in such broad terms that simply…

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A Return to the Beginning

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / March 14, 2014 /
The Creation of Life, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Ceiling

…we are now hearing calls even from within the Church to conform the “pastoral practice” of the Church to this confusion and desolation. As if it is the Church’s role…

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The Theology of the Body and the Spiritual Life

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / July 29, 2022 /

…drawing this implication from the official definition of the Church of what sacraments are. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Church teaches us: The sacraments are efficacious signs…

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What Does the Bible Say about Transgender People?

By Adolfo J. Castañeda and Marisa Cantu / September 21, 2023 /
open bible on a table

…prevail against his Church (Matt. 16:18), gave us that authority: The Magisterium of the Catholic Church, that is, the Pope and the Bishops who are in communion with him. How…

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Gonzales vs. Carhart and Partial-Birth Abortion Revealed

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / August 27, 2020 /
Picture of a baby in the belly of her mother

the health of the woman to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. The Legal Reasoning of the Dissenting Minority Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, joined by Justices David Souter, John Paul Stevens, and…

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Is Nazi Euthanasia Resurfacing in the U.S.?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / July 24, 2020 /
old man black and white

…weight of their teeming populations.”14 Some American doctors are following the lead of their Nazi forerunners and are now proposing a “dissent form” approach to organ donation. These laws allow…

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