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The Ethics of Artificial Reproductive Technologies

By Brian Clowes, PhD / July 7, 2020 /
test tubes lab

…Manipulation [New York City: Seabury Press], 1975, pages 198 and 199.  Father Häring is a longtime dissenter from Church teachings, but his quote shows that even many dissenters recognize the

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Father Hesburgh Deserves Our Prayers … Not Praise

By Fr. Peter West / March 4, 2015 /
father ted hesburgh civil rights commitee

…of Notre Dame spoke volumes. Most notably, he supported Notre Dame faculty members who dissented from Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae vitae, which repeated the constant Church teaching opposing contraception,…

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Who Teaches Our Children?

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / October 29, 2015 /

…Fathers could have easily rebuffed this pressure by simply reaffirming Church teaching. They could have reemphasized Church documents like the Charter of the Rights of the Family – still not…

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The Wonder of Natural Family Planning

By Brian Clowes, PhD / March 31, 2021 /
young couple's hands making a heart together

…can be more honest in their assessments of their own personal situations in light of the natural moral law and Church teaching. The Catholic Church does not simply make up…

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The Teaching of the Prophetic Encyclical Humanae Vitae (Part X)

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / September 10, 2021 /

The Third Prophecy Part VI: The Fourth Prophecy Part VII: Modernity’s Challenges to Humanae Vitae Part VIII: The Church’s Right to Teach on Birth Control Part IX: The Church’s Teaching…

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Before and After the Pill: Its Redefinition of Human Sexuality and Impact on Society

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / July 1, 2019 /

…when he repeatedly and emphatically reemphasized the Church’s teaching, despite the reality of widespread dissent from Church teaching. Herein we find one more proof of God’s providence operating through His…

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Why Our World Needs the Good News of Marriage

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / February 19, 2024 /
cross with wedding rings

Church’s salvific mission. This is encapsulated in the notion of the family as the “domestic church,” language that is traceable back to the earliest days of the Church. Speaking of…

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Why Is Premarital Sex a Sin?

By Adolfo J. Castañeda and Marisa Cantu / September 28, 2023 /
sad woman sitting in her bedroom

…Why Is the Church against Sex before Marriage? So, let us take up again the question of why the Church prohibits premarital sex. Why is premarital sex a sin? The

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Why Suicide Isn’t the Answer

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / June 17, 2024 /

Church prohibited persons who committed suicide funeral rites and even burial in a Church cemetery. There was, however, some consideration given to the person’s mental state at the time. That…

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The Ethics of Surrogacy

By Brian Clowes, PhD and Marisa Cantu / June 5, 2023 /
surrogacy arrangement surrogate mother

…in his important encyclical Casti Connubii in 1930. See also the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the foundation of the Church’s teaching on marital unity (¶ 1643–1654). [13] Pope Pius…

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