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What Does the Catholic Church Teach about Homosexuality?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 26, 2020 /
priest giving homily sermon, people listening, in church, catholic Mass

Church on homosexuality simply cannot change any more than the Church can change truth itself.   The Catholic Church on Homosexuality The teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality has…

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Two Bishops Raise Concerns About Vatican Synod

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / December 4, 2023 /

the laity, a synod has typically been the special purview of the Church’s shepherds. The risk, then, is that by seeking to “democratize” Church governance and expending so much time…

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Does Abortion Really Incur Excommunication?

By Brian Clowes, PhD and Sarah Reusch, MA / October 7, 2022 /
catholic church germany Mass

…Excommunicate Belongs to the Church Some dissenters strangely claim that the Church does not have the right to excommunicate. However, the Catholic Church has always possessed the right to excommunicate…

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What Does the Catholic Church Teach about Sterilization?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / May 9, 2017 /

…More generally, sterilization is a form of mutilation of the body and is thus illicit.   Consistent Church Teaching on Sterilization The Church has judged sterilization to be a…

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It All Begins in the Family

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / September 11, 2023 /
It All Begins in the Family

the “domestic church.” “The meaning of this traditional Christian idea,” he explained, “is that the home is the Church in miniature. The Church is the sacrament of God’s love. She…

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A Merciful Decision to Deny Joe Biden Holy Communion

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / November 11, 2019 /
St. Padre Pio, priest and stigmatist, bled during the consecration of the Mass.

Church would give the Eucharist to absolutely anyone and everyone. Instead, however, the Church has always taught (and still teaches) that if certain basic requirements are not met, then a…

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Is Contraception Sinful in Ignorance of Church Teaching?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 19, 2017 /
The Last Judgment ~ Dirck Barendsz

…this topic. Other Catholics may sincerely believe the dissenter’s mantra: “Conscience is our final guide, even if it conflicts with Church teaching.” Regardless the reason, every adult Catholic should be…

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Pope St. John Paul II’s Dream

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / July 23, 2018 /
pope st john paul ii headshot

…ironically, they placed higher expectations on the Church to live up to its teachings than even many Catholics. If the Catholic Church truly believes what it says it believes, then…

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The Symbolic Burning of Notre Dame

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet / April 22, 2019 /

the veil of the temple. Notre Dame is the symbolic heart of the Catholic Church in France. And France – the “eldest daughter of the Church” – is in many…

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Does God Forgive Homosexuality?

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / December 9, 2022 /
Sodom and Gomorrah by John Martin

…sin but not the sinner How the Church helps persons with same-sex attraction (SSA) The Church on violence against persons with SSA Persons with SSA and fundamental human rights How…

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