Uncover the Global Depopulation Project (Funded With Your Tax Dollars!)

A silent war against families is raging. And you’ve been drafted on the wrong side!

Most taxpayers don’t know they are funding a global coercion program to shrink populations in developing countries.

The falling birthrates we see around the world are not an accident. This was planned in the 1970’s by U.S. foreign policy strategists.

Their blueprint for world depopulation is all written down in a declassified government document which is still official U.S. policy!

It’s called National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, also known as the Kissinger Report.

If you’re angry about this, that’s perfectly reasonable. They’ve been using your money to bank roll this blatantly evil agenda for the last 50 years! And they’re getting away with it because almost no one knows what’s going on.

You’ll help change that when you download this free e-book today.

Get it now, and find out

  • Why Henry Kissinger thought big families were a threat to U.S. supremacy over the developing world
  • How poor countries are denied disaster relief unless they allow abortion and contraception
  • How the U.S. has indirectly funded forced abortions, including China’s “One Child” program
  • Where they launder the money to make this coercion program look like charity

Human Life International has been fighting the population control agenda for 50 years. We’ve learned a lot that most people don’t know.

We put the important stuff in this e-book so you can get informed fast.

In just a few clicks, you’ll have information at your fingertips that most taxpayers have never heard (and the bureaucrats in charge were hoping you wouldn’t find out!)

Let us know where to send your FREE E-BOOK right now!