About the Author
As president of Human Life International, Fr. Boquet is a leading expert on the international pro-life and family movement, having journeyed to nearly 90 countries on pro-life missions over the last decade. Father Boquet works with pro-life and family leaders in 116 counties that partner with HLI to proclaim and advance the Gospel of Life. Read his full bio here.
“Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist, white woman.” No, this sentence was not penned by some pro-life activist, pushing back against the whitewashing of the legacy of Margaret Sanger by Planned Parenthood. Astonishingly, it appears in a statement signed by hundreds of current Planned Parenthood employees and supporters. The statement was issued last month…
Read More“Human fatherhood gives us an anticipation of who God is. But when this fatherhood does not exist, when it is experienced only as a biological phenomenon, without its human and spiritual dimension, all statements about God the Father are empty. The crisis of fatherhood we are living today is an element, perhaps the most important,…
Read MoreNorma McCorvey’s other name is one of the most instantly-recognizable names in the world – Jane Roe, i.e. the woman who served as the plaintiff in the infamous Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. To pro-life Americans, however, McCorvey was much more than Jane Roe. She was a convert to the…
Read MoreEarlier this month, CNN journalist Anderson Cooper made a surprise on-air announcement: “On Monday, I became a father,” announced a visibly moved Cooper. Every new life is a miracle and a gift. Wyatt Morgan Cooper (the newborn baby) is a miracle and a gift. His life is a thing to be celebrated. But celebrating Wyatt’s…
Read MorePushing Back Against the UN’s Progressive Agenda, Which Seeks to Redefine the Family “There is no definition of the family under international human rights law.” So stated United Nations staff in a draft report in 2016. In the report, the authors claimed that the term “family” should be understood “in a wide sense”—whatever that means.…
Read MoreStaying Vigilant in a Time of Crisis It is disconcerting to read Henry Kissinger in the Wall Street Journal arguing that a failure to “transition to the post-coronavirus order” could “set the world on fire.” Kissinger is rather vague on precisely what this post-coronavirus “order” would look like, but as the WSJ notes, Kissinger’s long history of…
Read MoreToday we celebrate the International Day for the Unborn Child, which originally began in Argentina in 1998. The date – March 25 – is also the day that the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to ask her to become the mother of Jesus Christ. The…
Read MorePornography, a Plague Upon Our Families, Children, and Societies It has always seemed to me that if ever there were an issue that religious conservatives, feminists, and human rights activists should agree on, it is on the evils of the mass proliferation of online pornography and the urgent need to stop it. That’s why I…
Read MoreThe Naked Totalitarianism of the Transgender Movement Watching the progress of the transgender movement is like watching a train wreck in high speed. This ideological behemoth is hurtling through our culture at breakneck speed. But those driving the train seem utterly heedless of the path of destruction and horror they are leaving in their wake. “Horror”…
Read MoreRevoke NSSM 200 and Apologize for the Evil Done Last week I wrote about the admirable work that the Trump administration is doing to promote the pro-life cause at the international level. It is extremely encouraging to see administration officials forming coalitions with other pro-life nations, in order to push back against the anti-life mentality…
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