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“Freedom of Choice!” Undoubtedly an ideal slogan. Freedom is the basis upon which our nation was founded and remains our fundamental guiding principle. Who but an ignorant bigot could possibly be against freedom, “choice,” and personal independence? When we hear “freedom of choice,” we imagine the stark opposite. We imagine a nation where one’s life…
Read MoreIt is easy to forget that every abortion is happening to a unique person. With tens of millions of abortions occurring every year, the deaths become a mere statistic. We never know the people who are lost, and to many of us, they are just numbers on a sheet. Sometimes, however, someone comes along who…
Read MoreMost women understandably feel some degree of guilt about having an abortion. After all, abortion is a grossly unnatural act, and people who believe in God (as most aborting women do to varying degrees) have difficulty justifying the deliberate killing of a child that they know was willed into existence by Him. All of us…
Read MorePro-abortionists sometimes claim that there is nothing forbidding abortion in the Bible. For example: Ex-priest Daniel C. Maguire says, “There has been no systematic thinking in Jewish Christian tradition on abortion. There is nothing in the Bible on it.”1 Roy Bowen Ward, Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion at Miami University of Ohio, writes, “One thing…
Read MorePro-abortion groups claim that legalized abortion is vital for women’s health in the United States since, as they claim, thousands died of illegal abortions every year before the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Population controllers also allege that hundreds of thousands of women still die all over the world because their nations have pro-life…
Read MoreYou are a member of the first generation of doctors in the history of medicine to turn their backs on the oath of Hippocrates and kill millions of old useless people, unborn children, born malformed children, for the good of mankind ― and to do so without a single murmur from the august New England…
Read MoreIn essence, [surrogacy] is the ultimate manifestation of the neoliberal project of capitalist commodification of all life to create profit and fulfill the narcissistic desires of an entitled elite. ~Kathleen Sloan, director of the Connecticut chapter of the National Organization for Women.1 What Is Surrogacy? Surrogate motherhood is the oldest form of assisted reproduction.…
Read MoreFrom time to time, we hear stories alleging that American abortion mills are selling aborted babies to major cosmetic companies so that they may be “rendered” for their collagen. Human Life International’s free e-book Which Cosmetics Use Fetal Cells? explains how widespread this problem is, and which beauty products are involved. You can download it…
Read MoreHalf a century ago, researchers who worked for the pharmaceutical corporations valued the lives of preborn children. These scientists worked hard to avoid injuring them as they developed new drugs for a wide variety of purposes. But times have radically changed. Big Pharma now spends millions of dollars annually specifically for the purpose of developing…
Read MoreA judicial determination should be made when it is necessary to hasten the death of an individual, whether it be a demented parent, a suffering, severely disabled spouse or a child. ~ Former Hemlock Society Executive Director Faye Girsh.1 British journalist Derek Humphry had a bit of a problem on his hands in early…
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