About the Author

Marisa Cantu has a master's in political science and international affairs and a bachelor's in political science. She has also studied international studies and French. She has a strong background in nonprofit work, research, writing, and policy proposal and analysis.

Sacred Heart – How to Practice the Beautiful Devotion

By Marisa Cantu / June 26, 2024 /

While the most famous saint who promoted the devotion to the Sacred Heart is undoubtedly St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, to whom Our Lord appeared in 1673, the devotion can be observed as far back as the 2nd century with St. Justin Martyr. Devotees in the early centuries promoted the Sacred Heart devotion as the inexhaustible…

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The Surrender Novena – A Novena for Anxiety and Times of Trouble

By Marisa Cantu / June 26, 2024 /

What is the Surrender Novena? Ever heard of the “Surrender Novena?” It’s a 9-day novena that asks Jesus to “take care of everything” and encourages us to surrender everything to Him with childlike trust. It was originally composed by Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo with words that Jesus gave him. Father Dolindo Ruotolo, who…

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When Does a Fetus Feel Pain?

By HLI Staff and Marisa Cantu / June 6, 2024 /
Baby inside belly - AI generated image

Medical experts agree that fetal pain begins at 12 weeks gestation and may even be felt as early as eight weeks. But perhaps the best source for firsthand experience with fetal pain is an abortionist. As early as 1976, those performing abortions realized that the procedure is painful for the dying fetus. Abortionist John Szenes…

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The WHO’s Mysterious “Pandemic Treaty” That Will Strip Rights Away

By Marisa Cantu / May 30, 2024 /

Have you heard of the “pandemic treaty,” drafted by the World Health Organization (WHO), that will threaten national sovereignty? Probably not. It’s not something that mainstream media outlets are covering. And yet, it’s being discussed and voted on this week! This treaty, known as “WHO CA+“, is currently a proposal. It is being drafted by the…

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Pope Francis Underpopulation: Children are not a Burden

By Marisa Cantu / May 20, 2024 /
Pope Francis on NFP and Birth Rates

Pope Francis mourned the effects of contraception last week. In a speech, he said, “What future do we have? It is ugly. […] Homes are filled with objects and emptied of children, becoming very sad places. There is no shortage of little dogs, cats…there is a lack of children.” Italy’s fertility rate has dropped dramatically…

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Women are Finding Joy in HLI Mission Field

By Marisa Cantu / May 17, 2024 /

Stories of hope are plentiful in the HLI mission field! Elizabeth suffered from sub-infertility for 8 years. This broke her heart, wearing her down as the years went on and she was still unable to have a child. She joined HLI’s fertility awareness program two years ago. Finally, by the grace of God, she became…

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22 States Suing Joe Biden Over Radical and Dangerous Title IX Changes

By Marisa Cantu / May 15, 2024 /

22 Republican states are suing President Joe Biden over the Title IX changes for federally-funded schools. These changes include banning discrimination against LGBT students based on sexual orientation or “gender identity.” Right now, Title IX forces schools to allow transgender students to use whichever bathroom they choose, and it would make using “preferred pronouns” mandatory…

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Idaho’s “Abortion Trafficking” Law Struck Down

By Marisa Cantu / May 13, 2024 /

The state of Idaho has an “abortion trafficking” law that is being challenged by anti-life activists. House Bill 242 (H242) passed in 2023 and prohibits individuals from helping a minor get an abortion outside of the state of Idaho without parental consent. This was the same law that Rachael and Kadyn Swainston are accused of…

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Men’s Rosary Begging Forgiveness for Failing Women

By Marisa Cantu / May 10, 2024 /

Taking inspiration from Our Lady’s requests and St. Louis de Montfort’s writings, HLI Ireland’s executive director Patrick McCrystal organized a men’s Rosary in 2021. The men pray while kneeling in public settings before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Humbling themselves before the greatest of all women, they pray for repentance, reparation, and to…

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French Transgender Bill May Ban Transitions Before 18

By Marisa Cantu / May 8, 2024 /
quotation on gender dysphoria

French senators published a report on child gender transition which found the practice “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine.” This report was to determine whether medically transitioning minors was good medical practice. It details abuses performed by “indoctrinated” medical professionals who, the report says, are too heavily influenced by gender…

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