About the Author

Brian Clowes, PhD

Dr. Brian Clowes has been HLI’s director of research since 1995 and is one of the most accomplished and respected intellectuals in the international pro-life movement. Best known as author of the most exhaustive pro-life informational resource volume The Facts of Life, and for his Pro-Life Basic Training Course, Brian is the author of nine books and over 500 scholarly and popular articles, and has traveled to 70 countries on six continents as a pro-life speaker, educator and trainer.

Shouldn’t Every Child Be Wanted?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 8, 2017 /
Portrait of a joyful little girl with syndrome down in a summer park

The three most popular pro-abortion slogans are “Woman’s body, woman’s choice!,” “Freedom of choice!” and “Every child a wanted child!” These slogans are catchy, and they appeal in a superficial manner to the sense of fairness in all of us.  However, it takes only a little thought to break through the attractive façade and see…

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“Don’t Call Us ‘Pro-Abortion’ ― We’re ‘Pro-Choice’!”

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 8, 2017 /

There is great power in the labels we select for ourselves, as well in the ones we apply to our opposition.  One of the greatest marketing triumphs of the abortion movement was to call itself “pro-choice.” Origin of the “Pro-Choice” Label Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the founding members of NARAL, wrote, “I remember laughing…

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I’m Personally Opposed to Abortion…

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 8, 2017 /
Unhappy couple and sad woman upset after argument or conflict with her man on home sofa. Angry girlfriend or female thinking about disagreement or ignoring partner, tired of relationship problems

Pro-abortionists use many simplistic and misleading slogans, including “Woman’s body, woman’s choice!,” “When men can get pregnant, they can have an opinion on abortion,” and “There must be strict separation of Church and State.”  All of these are meant to intimidate pro-life people into not taking action to protect the unborn. This is also the…

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Should Men Speak against Abortion?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 8, 2017 /
men and abortion

One of the common arguments today is that men have no right to be involved in a woman’s choices regarding her physical health. Specifically, many people are outraged at the idea that a man could have any say in a woman’s reproductive choices. One aspect of frustration is directed against the all-male Catholic priesthood, on…

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The Crisis Pregnancy Center Movement

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 8, 2017 /

“Speak, yourself, on behalf of the dumb, on behalf of all the unwanted; speak, yourself, pronounce a just verdict, uphold the rights of the poor, of the needy.” ~Proverbs 31:8-9 The Origin of American Crisis Pregnancy Centers The organized American pro-life movement has a very long and honorable history.  It is more than 350 years…

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Why Don’t Pro-Life Groups Merge?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 8, 2017 /
argument, conflict

Since the mid-1970s, efficiency-minded pro-lifers have asked why all of the major pro-life groups in the United States don’t merge into one colossal organization. This move would certainly have several major advantages. It would probably be more financially efficient, it would eliminate much duplication of effort, it would be very high-profile, and it would possibly…

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Does Pro-Life Rhetoric Lead to Violence?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / June 7, 2017 /

Pro-abortionists frequently tell us to keep our opinions ― and even our science ― to ourselves. They say that we must not refer to abortionists as “baby killers” and to abortion as “murder.” ‘Catholics’ for a Free Choice goes even further, claiming that anyone who says that preborn children are human beings encourages terrorism.1 Pro…

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The Homophile Agenda and the Attack on Free Speech

By Brian Clowes, PhD / May 30, 2017 /
young woman no mouth

Anyone who is concerned about the influence of the homosexual agenda on reshaping traditional values must become intimately familiar with the major tactics that homophiles commonly employ in order to anticipate them and respond in charity and truth. Homophile strategists are very adept at manipulating public opinion with an arsenal of six tactics that are…

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Should We Interfere with the Difficult and Agonizing Abortion Decision?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / May 26, 2017 /

The “Agonizing Decision”?… Nowhere is the pro-abortion mentality more schizophrenic than when it considers the state of mind of women who are pondering having an abortion. The effort to rationalize abortion publicly has been going on for decades. In 1989, radical female “clergy” conducted a service entitled “Praise Our Choices, Lift Our Voices” at the…

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Should Pro-Lifers Be “Single-Issue”?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / May 15, 2017 /
Group of female activists is protesting

It is often difficult to get new recruits for pro-life groups, and it is even harder to hold on to them.  The great majority of new pro-lifers who drop out of activism in the first year do so because they do not see sufficient results for their labors.  This is brought on by unrealistic expectations.…

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