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Is Church Teaching on Contraception Infallible?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 9, 2017 /

…cathedra declaration or (2) the exercise of the ordinary magisterium, when the Church teaches one thing always and everywhere.   Disagreement with Church Teaching Many disagree with the Church’s view…

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Can Catholics Apply the Principle of Probabilism to Abortion Decisions?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / September 7, 2018 /
ten commandments

…can do absolutely anything we want. Church Teaching The Catholic Church has always prohibited the use of probabilism when she has definitively pronounced on a moral issue. The Church states,…

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What is Historical Church Teaching on Contraception?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / May 3, 2018 /

…Protestant churches from just the “hard cases” to all cases proceeded with great speed. The National Council of Churches (NCC) proclaimed on February 23, 1961: Most of the Protestant churches…

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The Strange World of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review

By Brian Clowes, PhD / April 18, 2017 /

…Control Review correctly recognized that the Catholic Church was their greatest enemy. Therefore, they did their best to shame and sideline the Church and her spokesmen. The “Church and State”…

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Why Should Celibate Priests Speak about Abortion?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / August 28, 2018 /
priestly ordination

…teachings on abortion. When the occasional dissenting priest speaks out for abortion, abortion advocates praise him as a hero. For example, pro-abortionists applauded when notorious dissenter Fr. Robert Drinan said,…

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Sacramental Marriage and Communion for Divorced Catholics

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / February 24, 2023 /
the hand of a priest distributing holy Communion

…special grace is making present the marriage between Christ and His Church. The Sacrament of Christian marriage is a reflection of the spiritual marriage between Christ and His Church. What…

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Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage: Things You Need to Know

By HLI Staff / July 15, 2019 /
supreme court

…law, but invented it.   Dissenting Opinions Each of the four dissenting judges gave their own opinions and brought up different points of contention with the majority. These are available…

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The Sacrament of Marriage

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / April 23, 2021 /
book of ephesians from the bible

Church, within the Church through marriage, and, thanks to marriage, within the family. And, of course, as the Church fulfills God’s plan of salvation in Christ, the whole world is…

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What Is the Christian Consensus on Abortion?

By Brian Clowes, PhD / July 22, 2020 /
martin luther statue

…Episcopal Church has lost 44% of its membership, the United Church of Christ 50%, the United Methodist Church 30%, and the Presbyterian Church USA 11%.8 Pro-abortion groups endlessly insist that…

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The Teaching of the Prophetic Encyclical Humanae Vitae (Part IX)

By Adolfo J. Castañeda / August 25, 2021 /

…if this teaching is serious enough to require obedience. To answer these questions we first need to discuss the nature of the Church’s teaching authority.   What Is the Church’s…

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