Idaho’s “Abortion Trafficking” Law Struck Down
The state of Idaho has an “abortion trafficking” law that is being challenged by anti-life activists. House Bill 242 (H242) passed in 2023 and prohibits individuals from helping a minor get an abortion outside of the state of Idaho without parental consent. This was the same law that Rachael and Kadyn Swainston are accused of having broken when they transported Kadyn’s minor girlfriend to Oregon to get an abortion without her parents’ consent.
Abortion in Idaho itself is banned in most cases, except in cases where the mother’s life is at risk, or in cases of rape or incest if it has been reported to the police. But now, Idaho’s H242 is being brought to court. While this case is being heard and deliberated, the law is unenforceable under an injunction. Lawyer Lourdes Matsumoto and two advocacy groups that help women seeking abortions get the procedure brought their case against the law to court.
The judge for that case, Judge Debora Grasham, decided H242 violated the First Amendment and struck it down. The State of Idaho then appealed the decision, and arguments as to why the “abortion trafficking” law does not violate the Constitution are being heard by the Ninth Circuit.
Pray for the people of Idaho, that they may return to God and recognize the sanctity of life.