Statement from Fr. Shenan J. Boquet on the Passing of Pope Benedict XVI
Contact: Tom Ciesielka, TC Public Relations, 312.422.1333,
(January 3, 2023 – Front Royal, Virginia) The pro-life movement owes tremendous gratitude to Benedict XVI for his unwavering defense of the sacredness of human life, the integrity of the family founded on the marriage of a man and a woman, and the Christian teaching on sexual morality. With zeal, clarity of thought, and constancy to Church teaching he also vigorously argued against the rise and advancement of secularism in the West and opposed relativism and its denial of objective truth.
Of his numerous writings, statements, and publications, I found Benedict XVI’s third encyclical letter, Caritas in veritate, of fundamental importance to the pro-life movement in its advancement of authentic human development and flourishing. When you serve in developing world countries, as HLI does, you quickly realize that there are networks of non-profit groups and non-governmental agencies that advocate for anti-life and anti-family ideologies, dedicated to promoting decadent Western sexual morals and practices. Benedict XVI opposed such viewpoints, reminding us that a country that welcomes these ideas affects not only its own citizens, but other nations as well (n. 28). He advanced, instead, a vision for authentic human development, which begins with the dignity of the human person and the respect for life. “Openness to life,” writes Benedict XVI “is at the center of true development” (n. 28).
Benedict XVI walked with us in our service of the Gospel of Life, and we owe him our gratitude. Please join me and HLI’s global family in thanking our Almighty God for the gift of Benedict’s life, for his dedication to proclaiming the Good News, and his willingness to move mountains. May this faithful servant, we pray, now share His Master’s joy.
About Human Life International
Human Life International is the only US-based authority on global life issues, including abortion, contraception, and end-of-life concerns. Human Life International is engaged in providing aid, training, and advocacy around the world and is the largest global pro-life organization, active in more than 100 countries on six continents. HLI provides resources and education on life issues from a Catholic perspective, while providing assistance around the globe, and prepares those training for and those active in ministry to address these matters in their vocation. For more information, visit