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We’re heading into a demographic winter. At the heart of the population crisis is a spiritual issue. Years of contraception and abortion have created a widespread anti-child mindset. Because the anti-child mentality is a spiritual issue, religious figures have an…
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During the Angelus before Christmas Day, Pope Francis reminded the world that “no child is ever a mistake…a child is a gift of life.” The Holy Father continued with this message during his New Year’s Day homily, where he called for “a firm commitment to promote respect for the dignity of human life, from conception to natural death.” The pope warned that modern-day challenges confronting human life and “the basis for building a culture of peace” can only be resolved by protecting and serving every life “born of woman.” The Holy Father’s message coincided with a recent article from Breitbart…
During the Angelus before Christmas Day, Pope Francis reminded the world that “no child is ever a mistake…a child is a gift of life.” The Holy Father continued with this message during his New Year’s Day homily, where he called for “a firm commitment to promote respect for the dignity of human life, from conception to natural death.” The pope warned that modern-day challenges confronting human life and “the basis for building a culture of peace” can only be resolved by protecting and serving every life “born of woman.” The Holy Father’s message coincided with a recent article from Breitbart…
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Can Spiritual Fatherhood Fix the Population Crisis?
We’re heading into a demographic winter. At the heart of the population crisis is a spiritual issue. Years of contraception and abortion have created a widespread anti-child mindset. Because the anti-child mentality is a spiritual issue, religious figures have an…
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